File-based Persistence

The file-based persistence keeps the entire AAS Environment in a model file which is stored at the local machine. Any change request, such as changing the value of a property, results in a change to the AAS environment model file. Thus, changes are stored permanently.

File Persistence configuration supports the following configuration parameters:

  • dataDir (optional, default: /): Path under which the model file created by the persistence is to be saved

  • keepInitial (optional, default: true): If false the model file parsed on startup will be overriden with changes. If true a copy of the model file will be created by the persistence which keeps the changes.

  • dataformat (optional, default: same data format as input file): Determines the data format of the created file by file persistence. Ignored if the keepInitial parameter is set to false. Supported data formats are JSON, XML, AML, RDF, AASX, JSONLD, UANODESET.

Example configuration for the file persistence:

	"persistence" : {
		"@class" : "de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.persistence.file.PersistenceFile",
		"initialModelFile" : "{pathTo}/FAAAST-Service/misc/examples/demoAAS.json",
		"dataDir": ".",
		"keepInitial": true,
		"dataformat": "XML"

Not yet implemented:

  • AASX Packages

  • Package Descriptors

  • SubmodelElementStructs